Подросток находится в критическом состоянии в детской больнице Британской Колумбии. У него первый в Канаде предполагаемый случай заболевания человека птичьим гриппом.
Исследования показали, что регулярное употребление вишневого сока может не только помочь заснуть, но и улучшить качество сна и увеличить его продолжительность.
Недавно разработанный искусственный интеллект диагностирует изменение высоты звука и интенсивность голоса на основе шести-десяти секунд записи голоса. В сочетании с основными данными о состоянии здоровья, такими как возраст, пол, рост и вес, ИИ может затем определить, есть ли у человека диабет 2 типа.
Робот с именем Егорка, созданный в рамках программы «Стартап как диплом», прошел первые испытания и регистрацию в Роспатенте. Испытания проходили в санатории «Жемчужина Камчатки» и в Камчатском детском нейрологопедическом центре
Зрение ухудшается с возрастом. Это нормально. Но некоторые проблемы со зрением могут указывать на деменцию – причем более чем за десять лет до того, как болезнь будет диагностирована.
ЗАДАТЬ ВОПРОС РЕДАКТОРУ РАЗДЕЛА (ответ в течение нескольких дней)
20 мая 2002 00:00 | Jean-Paul Remadi, MD*a, Olivier Baron, MDa, Jean C. Roussel, MDa, Oussana Al Habash, MDa, Michele Treilhaud, MDa, Philippe Despins, MDa, Daniel Duveau, MDa, Jean-Luc Michaud, MDa
Myocardial preservation using celsior solution in cardiac transplantation: early results and 5−year follow-up of a multicenter prospective study of 70 cardiac transplantations
Background. Several storage methods using a wide variety ofextracellular or intracellular solutions applied either as continuousperfusion, intermittent perfusion, or simple immersion of theheart have been commonly used. We have performed a prospectiverandomized multicenter study of 70 cardiac transplantation recipientsto evaluate the Celsior solution for cardiac preservation.
Methods. Seventy consecutive patients were included in thistrial and received a cardiac graft arrested and preserved withCelsior. The first follow-up period was 1 month. The mean ageof the recipients was 49 years (range, 28 to 66 years), and81.7% were male. The main disease was nonobstructive cardiomyopathy(64.3%). The age range of donors was between 14 and 56 yearswith a mean of 33 years. The majority of grafts (73%) were storedin 1 L of Celsior. A midterm follow-up at 5 years was performedand was 100% complete.
Results. The operative mortality (<30−day) rate was 6 of70 (8.6%). Sixty-three patients (90%) had at least satisfactoryhemodynamic measurements on day 2. The first postoperative echocardiogramsshowed good myocardial performance for 90% of the grafts. Actuarialsurvival rate at 5 years was 75% ± 5.1%.
Conclusions. The use of Celsior in cardiac transplantation wassafe and very effective. This solution proved very valuablein at-risk patients.Keywords. cardiac transplantation, Celsior,heart preservation
Background. Of 41 patients who had undergone a left-sided simple maze procedure, 4 (9.8%) developed repetitive tachycardia due to atrial flutter, and required radiofrequency catheter ablation.
Background. Long-term stability of the hemodynamic performance of commercially available Carpentier-Edwards stented bovine pericardial aortic bioprostheses (Perimount RSR) is unknown. To anticipate
Background. We reviewed our 35-year-experience to investigate the determinants of long-term results of aortic valve regurgitation (AR) after surgical repair of ruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysms
Background. Patients with prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) stays after cardiac operations are labor intensive and expensive. We sought to determine whether exhaustive ICU efforts result in
Background. We evaluated the effects of standard preservation solutions on cultured human greater saphenous vein endothelial cells.
Methods. Endothelial cells (eight strains) were preincubated